We offer a wide range of services to help support women's health  

Procedure: The procedure itself is relatively quick and simple. You'll be asked to undress from the waist down and lie on an examination table, usually with your feet in stirrups. The healthcare provider will gently insert a speculum into your vagina to hold it open. Then, they'll use a special tool to collect cells from your cervix. This might cause slight discomfort or pressure, but it shouldn't be painful. 
Sample Collection: The healthcare provider will collect cells from your cervix using a small brush or spatula. They'll then place the cells into a special liquid solution or onto a glass slide, depending on the laboratory's protocol. 
HPV Test: HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that can lead to cervical cancer, so testing for it along with the Pap smear helps to identify women at risk. 
Aftercare: After the procedure, you can usually resume your normal activities right away. You might experience some spotting or mild cramping, but this typically goes away quickly. 
Follow-Up: Depending on your results, you will be advised on any necessary follow-up steps. If your results are normal, it is likely you will be advised to return for routine screening in a few years. If there are abnormalities in your results, your provider will discuss further testing or treatment options with you. 
Overall, while it's natural to feel a bit anxious about these tests, they're important for detecting cervical cancer and other abnormalities early when they're most treatable. 
Mirena Coil fitting - £195 (does not include cost of mirena coil) 
Discussion of Medical History: including any past or current medical conditions, medications you're taking, and any allergies you have. 
Explanation of the Procedure: How the Mirena coil works and how it will be inserted into your uterus. 
Consent: You'll be asked to sign a consent form indicating that you understand the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks. 
Physical Examination: A pelvic exam will be done to assess the size and position of your uterus and to ensure there are no contraindications to the insertion. 
Placement of the Mirena Coil: The Mirena coil will be inserted into your uterus through your cervix. A speculum may be used to visualise your cervix and a special inserter device to place the coil in the correct position. You may experience cramping or discomfort during this part of the procedure. 
Aftercare Instructions: Once the coil is in place, you be will provided with instructions on what to expect in the hours and days following the insertion, including any potential side effects or complications to watch for. 
It's essential to communicate openly with your practitioner throughout the process and to ask any questions you may have about the procedure or the Mirena coil itself. 
Pessary Advice & Fitting - £250* (does not include cost of pessary) 
Medical History Review: A review of your medical history, including any pelvic organ prolapse symptoms you may be experiencing, previous treatments, surgeries, and any relevant medical conditions. 
Physical Examination: A pelvic exam will be performed to assess the severity and type of pelvic organ prolapse. This may involve lying on your back with your feet in stirrups while the healthcare provider examines your pelvic organs. 
Discussion of Options: Discuss the various treatment options available to you, which may include lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, surgical interventions, or the use of a pessary. 
Pessary Fitting: If it's determined that a pessary is appropriate for you, you will be fitted with one. This involves selecting the correct size and type of pessary based on your anatomy and prolapse severity. 
Education and Instructions: You will receive instructions on how to insert, remove, clean, and care for the pessary. It's important to understand proper hygiene practices and when to contact your healthcare provider if you experience any issues. 
Follow-Up: You will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment to ensure the pessary is working effectively and comfortably. Adjustments may be made during subsequent visits if needed. 
Throughout the appointment, feel free to ask any questions or express any concerns you may have about the pessary or your pelvic organ prolapse treatment plan. 

At Bristol Menopause and well woman clinic, we believe that women's health is not merely the absence of illness but a holistic journey towards well-being. It encompasses physical, emotional, and mental aspects, with the aim of empowering women to lead active and fulfilling lives. Here, we underscore two areas that deserve your attention:  1. Pelvic Floor Health: The Unsung Heroine  The pelvic floor is an intricate network of muscles, ligaments, and tissues that support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. It plays a pivotal role in various aspects of a woman's life:  Bladder and Bowel Control: A strong pelvic floor helps maintain continence and prevent issues like urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence, which can affect women of all ages.  Pelvic Organ Support: It provides vital support to pelvic organs, preventing conditions like pelvic organ prolapse. Sexual Well-being: A healthy pelvic floor is essential for sexual function and pleasure.  Many women tend to overlook the significance of pelvic floor health until they encounter issues. However, proactive care can make a world of difference. We offer specialized services and treatments to help you maintain a strong and resilient pelvic floor. Our experts provide guidance on exercises, lifestyle adjustments, and, if needed, therapeutic interventions to ensure your pelvic floor remains strong and functional throughout your life.   2. Cardiovascular Health:   Cardiovascular health is another pivotal aspect of women's well-being. Often overshadowed, heart health is a crucial consideration for women of all ages, especially as they approach menopause.  Heart Disease Risk: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women globally. It's vital to recognize the risk factors and take preventive measures.  Hormonal Changes: During menopause, hormonal shifts can affect cholesterol levels and blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.  Unique Symptoms: Women may experience different heart disease symptoms than men. These symptoms can be subtle and easily mistaken for other issues.  Caring for Your Cardiovascular System:  At Bristol Menopause and Well Woman Clinic, we offer comprehensive cardiovascular assessments and counselling. We provide guidance on heart-healthy lifestyles, including diet, exercise, stress management, and preventive strategies tailored to your individual needs. Our goal is to help you maintain a healthy heart throughout every stage of life.  Your Health, Our Priority   Women's Health encompasses numerous facets, including pelvic floor, hormone health and cardiovascular health, which deserve your attention and proactive care. By addressing these aspects, you empower yourself to lead a healthier, happier life. 

We also offer comprehensive Wellwoman Checks. 
For details, please click here... 

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of the menopause and would like to learn more, please click below to make an appointment with one of our consultants. 

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(Note: There are 2 booking options below, one for new patients and one for returning patients) 
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